Where to go in town and what to order I have been a proud vegetarian for just over three years now. Total transparency, that does “Eating vegetarian”
The Influencer
Bison track & field perform well in outdoor season openers
Student-athletes compete in N. Carolina & S. Dakota North Dakota State’s track & field student-athletes opened up their outdoor season by competing in two events “Bison track & field perform well in outdoor season openers”
Make America Gay Again
We need to stop acting like ‘straight’ is okay I have lived in a red state for my entire life, and there is one main “Make America Gay Again”
Be more selfish
How to make life better by being unkind to others To live a long and happy life, I think completely of myself. With the clamor “Be more selfish”
The Academy Awards switches from an award show to a wrestling match
Inspired by Will Smith and Chris Rock After the nearly show-stopping confrontation on live television of Chris Rock and Will Smith’s little scuffle, the Academy “The Academy Awards switches from an award show to a wrestling match”
Stay out of A. Glenn Hill after dark
Two paranormal encounters on NDSU’s campus were reported earlier this week Some weird things are going on around campus, and the Spectrum has the evidence “Stay out of A. Glenn Hill after dark”
MSUM buys out NDSU
The Bison switch to the Dragons Minnesota State University Moorhead bought out North Dakota State University this past week. Starting next academic school year MSUM “MSUM buys out NDSU”