Movies/TV One of the best things that comes with the fall season is the new wave of horrors and thrillers that drop leading up to “My Fall Essentials”
Tag: Movies
Thelma and Louise
A Radical Journey of Empowerment and Liberation Released in 1991, “Thelma & Louise” shocked and inspired audiences with its portrayal of two women on a “Thelma and Louise”
Halloween Movie Recommendations
As we inch closer and closer to Halloween, it is go-time for cramming in the last-minute movies for the season before everything becomes centered around “Halloween Movie Recommendations”
The Biggest Influencer Ever
Why do I get influenced after watching movies? Narrative transportation. This is defined as the “phenomenon whereby audience members feel so involved in a storyline that “The Biggest Influencer Ever”
Girls and Ghouls
In defense of horror movies Horror movies often get a bad rep for a lot of reasons, and I understand why. On paper, it doesn’t “Girls and Ghouls”
Are Horror Movies Biblical
How Horror Movies can Hurt your Faith ever had I ever, ever seen even one horror movie in my entire twenty years on this earth. “Are Horror Movies Biblical”
Barbie and Jesus
Authors Note: If you have been a long time reader of The Spectrum you are probably familiar with my “bi-weekly” column called christian concerns. As “Barbie and Jesus”
Girls are Being robbed of childhood
A niche genre of movies showed me how One of my absolute favorite movie genres is “kids-on-bikes.” It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like, “Girls are Being robbed of childhood”