Movies/TV One of the best things that comes with the fall season is the new wave of horrors and thrillers that drop leading up to “My Fall Essentials”
Tag: Movies
Thelma and Louise
A Radical Journey of Empowerment and Liberation Note: This article is by Mafruha Shifat. Website issues are causing the wrong name to display. Released in “Thelma and Louise”
Halloween Movie Recommendations
As we inch closer and closer to Halloween, it is go-time for cramming in the last-minute movies for the season before everything becomes centered around “Halloween Movie Recommendations”
The Biggest Influencer Ever
Why do I get influenced after watching movies? Narrative transportation. This is defined as the “phenomenon whereby audience members feel so involved in a storyline that “The Biggest Influencer Ever”
Girls and Ghouls
In defense of horror movies Horror movies often get a bad rep for a lot of reasons, and I understand why. On paper, it doesn’t “Girls and Ghouls”
Are Horror Movies Biblical
How Horror Movies can Hurt your Faith ever had I ever, ever seen even one horror movie in my entire twenty years on this earth. “Are Horror Movies Biblical”
Barbie and Jesus
Authors Note: If you have been a long time reader of The Spectrum you are probably familiar with my “bi-weekly” column called christian concerns. As “Barbie and Jesus”
Girls are Being robbed of childhood
A niche genre of movies showed me how One of my absolute favorite movie genres is “kids-on-bikes.” It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like, “Girls are Being robbed of childhood”