Suiting Up For Intramurals

If you’re looking for a way to get involved and want to get your body moving, there is no better solution than joining intramurals. It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t have a background in sports, these leagues are for anyone to join. There is a wide variety of sports, ranging from basketball and soccer to kickball and cornhole. Needless to say, there is a sports team out there for you to play.

Within the numerous amounts of sports to pick and choose from, you also have the option to decide between more characteristics, so you enjoy it. You can first make your decision on either a co-ed team or an all-male or all-female team. Of course, this does depend on the sport you’ve chosen to play.

After you decide who you want to play with, you also have the choice between a regular league or a competitive league. Assume that the competitive league is going to be full of players who have a sufficient background in that particular sport. A competitive league is faster-paced, taken more seriously, and involves more skill. With all of these options, you’re able to feel more comfortable within your choice and enjoy the sport you play.

Intramurals are not just for getting yourself involved, keeping your body in shape, and meeting new people, but they also allow any high school athletes who never went on to play a college sport to reunite with the love for their sport once again.

Another reason to appreciate intramural sports is the sense of sportsmanship and working with a team. If you’re unlike past high school athletes and you weren’t surrounded by team members, this is your chance to experience it! You adopt the strong characteristics of competing with your team and supporting each other win, loss, or tie. It can be a learning curve for newer players, but it’s a game changer.

Now, to get into the logistics.  To play on any team, no matter the sport, it is $7.50 to participate. If you know yourself well enough and you will join multiple teams throughout the whole year, you can purchase a year-round pass for $25 dollars, which will get you on any team for the entire year. All you need to get started is a captain, which is basically you or one of your friends to create the team, and then enough players to fill your roster! Once your team is all made and set up, you can look at the days and times when you’ll play each week.

It’s standard to play once a week and then you’ll hit playoffs. To give you a little incentive, if you end up pushing your way through playoffs and end up winning the championship, you win some pretty dope t-shirts, and you get your team’s picture up on the wall at the wellness center. Now that’s quite the prize, am I right?

Pro tip: Make team t-shirts through the union like my friends and I did, it adds to the fun, and you don’t have to bet on winning to walk away from this thing without a t-shirt. Yes, it still counts even if you pay for it yourself.

So, if you’re ready to get involved, practice your athletics, and dive into a fun competitive side, intramurals are here waiting for you! Can I get a “put me in coach?”

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