Plains Art Museum: cultural enrichment opportunities near you! Author’s note: All information cited below can be found on the Plains Art Museum website. When it “Loving Local Art”
Category: Arts & Entertainment
Coffee Review Series: Youngblood Coffee Roasters
Hello, Bison! Happy week before spring break! This has been a weird first quarter of the semester. The lack of winter but adequate stress is “Coffee Review Series: Youngblood Coffee Roasters”
Video Game Review: “I Commissioned Some Bees 0”
My life has been taken over by digital bees. I am, unfortunately, the sort of person who has a perspective on life that is “all “Video Game Review: “I Commissioned Some Bees 0””
Fun Facts for Presidents Day
Author’s Note: credit to,, and Being the daughter of two history teachers (both obsessed with U.S. history), Presidents Day is celebrated like “Fun Facts for Presidents Day”
Midterm Musician Recommendations
Well, folks, welcome to week 7! We are almost halfway through the semester! As bittersweet as that is, because midterms are coming up, this is “Midterm Musician Recommendations”
Movies You Need To Watch
I may or may not have based my personality on these movies. As someone who has a lot of free time, I watch a lot “Movies You Need To Watch”
Presidents Day
Why we celebrate the third week of February Author’s Note: Research is credited to, Britannica, and National Day Calendar. Presidents Day has been a “Presidents Day”
Album Review: “Saviors” by Green Day
Punk veterans breeze through on their 14th album You will be forgiven for thinking that a band that has been around for over 35 years, “Album Review: “Saviors” by Green Day”