
Islamic Ignorance

Emotions and ignorance can lead to problems can cloud one’s judgement.

Islam is not the enemy. It never has been.

Blind to the real issues, we continue the thought process that Muslims are the enemy.

“They are the problem with this country.” Though you personally may not say this, look who does: Presidential hopefuls, possibly your close friends or family.

Too many in our country have allowed these loud, hateful people to spout off and single out our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Islam didn’t cause 9/11.

Christianity didn’t cause Timothy McVeigh to carry out the Oklahoma City Bombing.

A religion is an idea, usually filled with many good idea. But every good idea can be taken to an extreme.

My father told me something that’s stuck with me since I was young: “You can find whatever you want to find, if you look hard enough.”

I can sit here and tell you about how Christianity says to stone women, and for slaves to obey their owners like they would God.

That is pointless, though.

What denomination of Christianity still teaches that?

Not your church, not your friend’s church. Maybe there is one church out there that still preaches that, but they are by far the minority.

Old texts that are out of date in some aspects (slave ownership/misogynist/racist comments) are susceptible to crazed people running with their teachings.

We must look past the few nuts. Islam is a religion of 1.6 billion. Don’t let the actions of a very small minority taint your opinion.

Most Muslims are great people. Just like most Christians are great people.

Sitting here and judging a large amount of people on the actions of a few is ignorant. It is uninformed; it is something that we, in 2016 cannot continue to do.

If we continue to judge 1.6 billion people on this crazy blue marble on the actions of 19 men on a day in September in 2001, how will we progress?

How will be fix global issues like our shift from fossil fuels? How will we fight for better treatment of people all across the globe? How will we grow as a human race?

We won’t.

Muslims are not the enemy, friends. Nuts are the enemy, and they come in all shapes and forms. I hope that we as a nation, as a state and as a university decide to change our national opinion on Muslims and finally start the conversation towards peace and acceptance.

4 Replies to “Islamic Ignorance”

  1. Erik, you obviously have never studied Islam or visited a Muslim country. You are making wild and unfounded assumptions about a martial religious cult. Until you’ve read the Koran and Haddit, you are unqualified to make an opinion on Islam.

    I know you want to pretend Islam is a cuddly kitten instead of the ferocious lion it really is, but you do so at your own peril.

  2. “I can sit here and tell you about how Christianity says to stone women”

    You can’t. You are just repeating things you think apologists for Islam say, but you are not even accurate in parroting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_and_the_woman_taken_in_adultery

    You are an uneducated non-Christian trying to persuade Christians based on a religion you have not taken the most cursory interest in examining.

    You are also an uneducated non-Muslim with no idea of what Islam teaches with the audacity to try to tell Muslims which of their sacred texts are “outdated”. Muslims do not pick and choose their texts. The Koran has far less interpretive flexibility than the Bible.

    Mohammed is considered the “perfect man” and beyond criticism on pain of death. Mohammed kept slaves, raped sex slaves, committed theft, was a warlord and married a child. Sharia is a bizarre legal system since every law is based on either Mohammed’s pronouncements or some event, no matter how minor, from his life.

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