Become a Master of College Life

A few tips and tricks to becoming the ultimate college-r

Hi Bison! We are making our way into the semester, settling into our schedules, and getting used to our routines, and hopefully, it’s going smoothly. But, if you are feeling like you’re falling a step behind or searching for some tips to keep student life at bay, you’re in luck.

First things first, utilize your phone lock screen. You look at it as soon as you wake up and as soon as you get to bed. Make the most of this opportunity and place your checklist, to-do list, schedule, or anything else you think could be helpful! Consider putting things that are easily forgotten or your priorities. Soon enough, you’ll see it so much you’ll remember on your own and you won’t even need it!

Next up, it’s important to get active before or after studying. Whether that may be a long walk listening to a recorded lecture or perhaps doing some stretches after. Moving your body helps you retain information better, and it can help solidify that you remember what you’re studying! Plus a little activity can’t hurt but to get you in a good mood.

Another tip that surprisingly has probably never crossed your mind is to alert the professor you’re falling behind. It puts you on their radar, and if anyone can help to get you on the right track, it’s your professor. Do not shy away from being the first person to ask for help and let your professor know you need some guidance.

Finally, before you go to your exams, consider doing a “brain dump.” Take a moment to write down everything you can remember referring to your exam, without referencing your notes. Rely solely on your memory for this one. Then after you’ve completed your brain dump, check back at your notes. You’ll notice little knowledge gaps or areas you forgot. This way, you still have time to fill in such gaps so everything is squared away for your exam, and you can walk out of there with an A.

Keep in mind these tips and tricks fellow bison, for a smooth spring semester!

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