12 Days of Fitness

Get rewarded for working out

Coming off a successful Halloweek-end we may all need a bit of a reset. Find your reset with a little activity being held here at the NDSU Wellness Center. They would like to challenge you to get out there and try fitness classes you’ve done or perhaps haven’t done before. The activity in question: 12 days of fitness. This activity/challenge will be held all through the month of November. 

All you need to do is search up ‘NDSU Group Fit classes’ online and preview some classes that pique your interest. The classes that are available for you to choose from are as follows: Yoga Sculpt, HIIT, Zumba, Cycle 30 and Cycle 45, XA Beat, TKO Boxing, Candlelight Yoga, Strong By Zumba, Abs With Alden, BOGA Fit, Sunrise Yoga, Circuit HIIT, and Barre. Figure out which days and times fit best with your schedule! 

Choose a class that speaks to you, and then all that’s left is to bring your body there! When you arrive at your chosen class, there will be a sheet to sign your first and last name, so you get recorded. Then, once the class is over, the instructor will pass out your well-deserved stickers! Simply showing up to the class will earn you a singular sticker. The more stickers you get–a.k.a the more classes you attend–the higher the chances are you win some sweet NDSU swag. 

And it doesn’t just stop there. If you refer a friend you both get two stickers. The more the merrier! So branch out and get active this month! Earn yourself some stickers, perhaps pick up a new hobby on the way, and win some seriously awesome NDSU swag. 

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