Twitter Potter and the Retweet Troll

J.K. Rowling has made a name as a Twitter troll recently.

I am a huge Harry Potter fan, but that doesn’t mean I must enjoy everything J.K. Rowling writes.

Respect is due though. Thank you, J.K. Rowling, for an amazing addition to my childhood.

With that being said, I have said this before, but let me say it again, I blame Twitter.

I blame Twitter for most problems in society. From President Trump to “cash me outside howbow dah” girl, Twitter’s crimes are obvious.

Is there such thing as an overqualified Twitter troll?

I believe so. And J.K. Rowling is the Optimus Prime of offenders. Big, powerful, famous and a robot.

Hear me out. Most people who make stupid tweets on Twitter are stupid. Imagine them as ants.

Now imagine J.K. Rowling as Optimus Prime. She is an amazing Twitter troll because she is so much smarter than everyone else.

Like a Nerf gun versus an F-22, there is no actual battle. Optimus Prime smashes an ant. No one is going to flip the tables anytime soon so why pull the trigger?

J.K. Rowling is smart, and her voice deserves to be heard, but can we find a better medium?

I mean books exist in this world, right?

What about a news channel? Even Fox News is more like a news channel than ever before. Do an interview with Anderson Cooper or even Bill O’Reilly.

Better yet, have a show with a bunch of white supremacists. While they throw insults, choose to be civil with them. Not because you don’t have a good comeback, but because you are smarter and hold yourself to a high standard than being racist and stupid like them.

Seem impossible? Well, Oprah did that. Why? Because Oprah is smart for crying out loud. She isn’t going to be out-dueled by a stupid white supremacist, and neither is J.K. Rowling.

I bet she could sway the minds of smart people who choose to watch news rather than MTV and “The Bachelor.” She might even be able to sway the minds of idiots if put in the right medium.

Twitter isn’t that medium though. The same place you go to rant about pineapple on pizza and praise bacon is not where the great thinkers choose to meet.

Do we need one of the most famous authors to say people on Twitter are stupid?

Hey Thad, say John Doe who thinks gay people have acid blood is stupid. See it is literally that easy to create a statement that 90 percent of people will agree with.

Why should we be okay with J.K. flippin’ Rowling being a highly overqualified Twitter troll?

Economic majors say it with me, poor allocation of resources.

Maybe, just maybe, people would rather have a thoughtful debate, instead of self-indulging on always being right. Challenge yourselves.

In order to Avada Kedavra an opposing opinion, both need to be brought up in the right area? Perhaps a school where a bunch of 11-year-olds study magic?

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