Sexual Assault Awareness Month

How NDSU Can Support You

The month of April has been used as an opportunity to honor survivors in the community, as well as listen to their stories. It also serves as a moment of solidarity for anyone who has been impacted by sexual violence. NDSU has taken the opportunity to take part in this month and offer year-round services for those in need. 

Since the year 2001, Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month has been nationally observed during April. However, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center has identified that advocates have been using this time to hold events, like marches and observances, related to sexual violence for decades. In some instances, these were week-long events labeled as “Sexual Assault Awareness Week.” 

Not only does this month offer solidarity for those affected by sexual violence, but it also brings awareness to its history. Sexual violence has been used against both men and women for centuries as a means of control. By bringing awareness to sexual violence, this month also aims to prevent it. 

NDSU offers different services and programs with the purpose of preventing sexual assaults on campus. The main one is a required training session called “We Take A Stand.” This training must be completed within your first semester at NDSU and alternative course completion options are available as well. 

Additionally, there are countless resources available on the NDSU Student Health Service’s website. Information available ranges from how and where you can receive emergency medical care, how to receive a no-contact order and where to report an assault along with an extensive list of resources for both on- and off-campus students. 

Volunteer opportunities are not limited to campus. If you are interested in getting involved further, the NDSU website also offers information on involvement opportunities within the community. This is where contact information for organizations like the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center and YWCA Cass Clay can be found. 

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