
Severe Weather Safety Training

North Dakota State climatologist and professor of climatological practice Adnan Akyüz released weather threat safety modules to NDSU faculty, staff and students.

The modules are designed to give users an interactive approach to learning about safety during extreme weather conditions.

The modules also give customized information on flood, lightning, tornado and winter weather threats.

The modules include safety information for the upcoming winter months.

Participants in the weather threat safety modules are given scenarios of extreme weather threats in their area, such as tornadoes and blizzards, to review and offered a certificate upon completion.

Those who partake in the training are encouraged to share the modules with anyone who may be interested.

WRN Ambassador

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration formally recognized NDSU as part of its Weather Ready Nation Ambassador initiative in February.

As the NDSU Climate Office is a NOAA recognized state climate office, NDSU was a fitting candidate to become an ambassador.

Akyüz was appointed as the Weather Ready Nation Point of contact at NDSU.

Akyüz said that NOAA partners were recognized as Weather Ready Nation ambassadors due to their efforts to “improve the nation’s readiness, responsiveness and overall resilience against extreme weather, water and climate events.”

After receiving periodic information from NOAA, Akyüz’s role as an ambassador is to share the information pertaining to the NDSU community to promote community resilience against threatening weather events.

As an ambassador, NDSU is provided with NOAA resources to educate on the threats of severe weather and is responsible for sharing these resources.

The WRN safety modules are part of the effort to improve the response to weather-related threats.

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