Top 10 Jams of My Summer

That’s right, folks. At the end of last year, I made a list of my favorite summer jams, and I’m coming to you live now from the other end of the summer to tell you what my top tracks from this past summer actually were.

1. “His Girl Friday” by The Academy Is…

All I’m gonna say about this is that sometimes the only thing getting you through hour after hour of customer service work is returning to the comforts of your middle school self, okay?

2. “Honey” by Samia

I actually had this whole album on repeat. It’s one of my favorite albums of all time, honestly, and if you haven’t listened to Samia, I am begging you to stop reading and come back once you have. “Kill Her Freak Out” is probably my favorite track, but “Honey” has this bouncy, girl-best-friends-in-summer vibe that I couldn’t get enough of.

3. “Perfect” by Midtown

Remember what I said about “His Girl Friday?” Yeah. I also had an intense Gabe Saporta phase this summer and listened to everything he’s ever done, so this is but the tip of the Midtown iceberg that I’m sure is going to annihilate my Spotify Wrapped this year.

4. “The Ballad of the Costa Concordia” by Car Seat Headrest

Listen. We all get lonely.

5. “What’s a Girl Got To Do?” by Bats for Lashes

I don’t even remember where I found this song but the gothy, darkwave vibe immediately cemented itself in my brain. I watched a lot of old horror movies this summer, and this song would not be out of place in a Dario Argento film.

6. “One Day Robots Will Cry” by Cobra Starship

This song bangs. That’s all. It just unequivocally bangs, and the line “I’ve known you in every life I’ve lived/I’m still a kid even though I’m colder,” goes absolutely crazy insane given the way the song sounds.

7. “Benadryl Subreddit” by L.S. Dunes

I haven’t met an L.S. Dunes song I didn’t like, and when this one came out that streak remained unbroken. It’s a killer song with a somewhat lame name, which is my favorite kind of music, and when I saw Dunes live in July this song in particular was incredible.

8. “The Ballad of Lucy Jordan” by Marianne Faithful

I also watched “Thelma and Louise” this summer and loved it. This song features in the movie, and ladies – let me tell you. It’s a perfect song to blast with the windows down and drive around the cornfields anytime you feel really any kind of despair.

9. “The Ballad of a Ladyman” by Sleator-Kinney

Sleater-Kinney strikes again with yet another song that makes me feel like some sort of small animal whose teeth are razor-sharp points from gnawing furiously on the bars of their enclosure. I don’t know what to say here. Listen to the song.

10. “Common People” by Pulp

I had a severe Britpop phase this summer, and this song makes me feel like the main character of a coming-of-age movie. This phase also made me realize that Wonderwall is actually unironically an incredible song, but that’s another article for another time.

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