The 42nd annual Madrigal Dinners return to the Reineke Performing Arts Center Challey Atrium on NDSU’s campus this December.
The Madrigal Dinners are a Renaissance-style dining experience. The night includes the Madrigal Singers performing holiday carols, herald trumpets and a jester to provide some laughs. This year, the Madrigal Dinners will also include a juggler to complete the medieval evening.
A complete five-course dining experience will also accompany the entertainment. Traditionally, each course of the meal is introduced with a song sung by the Madrigal Singers.
Dinner begins with Fanfare the Firste: a house salad with an announcement of the lords and ladies of the evening.
Next up is Fanfare the Second: the passing of the wassail bowle. The wassail bowle is traditionally filled with hot, mulled cider and passed around the table to ensure a good harvest.
Fanfare the Third includes the announcing of the soups. Wild rice soup will be served at this event.
Fanfare the Fourth is the beginning of the main meal. This year the meal options are rotisserie chicken, roast beef or veggie kabobs, garlic smashed potatoes, Key West vegetable blend, dinner rolls and chocolate caramel cake. The meals have been researched for authenticity to complete the medieval experience.
Fanfare the Fifth is the last fanfare and announces the performance of “Sack Theatre.” The play is traditionally done after the main course of the meal is served and contains comedic material generally surrounding princes and princesses reminiscent of King Arthur legends.
A choral concert will conclude the experience.
Seats fill up quickly, so reserve a spot by Dec. 2. The Madrigal Dinners will be Dec. 8-10 and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. each night. The event is open to the public and tickets are $40. On Thursday, Dec. 8, NDSU students with ID can be entertained and fed for only $10 but tickets must be reserved in advance.
The Madrigal Dinners aren’t the only holiday entertainment of the season.
Over 200 students in five NDSU choirs and the Baroque Festival Orchestra will perform Handel’s “Messiah,” a holiday tradition throughout the world, at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at First Lutheran Church Friday.
This event is open to the public. Adult ticket prices are $17, seniors $12 and students $7. The performance is free for NDSU students with a valid ID.
Both Handel’s “Messiah” and the Madrigal Dinners are NDSU traditions and bring celebration of the holiday season with beautiful music and irresistible entertainment.