North Dakota State’s president now knows his full name, thanks to some help from a local accountant.
“I was filing my tax returns, and the tax man asked me what my name was,” President Dean Bresciani said. “And I said, ‘I am NDSU President Dean Louis Bresciani.'”
The tax man, 28-year-old Justin Aakland, said he was puzzled with the response.
“I got the last name down right away,” Aakland recollected, but the first name troubled him.
“So, you are like the president-dean then?” Aakland said he remembered asking. “Your name is Louis?”
Aakland said President Bresciani sat in silence for a minute.
“You know, up to that point, I had never really thought of where my title ended and where my name began,” Bresciani said. “I can see how people get confused. Truthfully, I’m still a little confused about the whole thing.”
NDSU students concurred with the president.
“We have a president at NDSU?” said Natasha Pollut, a pre-pharmacy freshman living in Dinan Hall. “Huh, who knew. Can you imagine if he were, like, just a dean? Dean Dean Bresciani? That’d be nuts.”
After some further research and a call to immediate family, Bresciani confirmed to Aakland that his first name is Dean, and that “president” is the title of his position at NDSU.
“It’s a relief,” Bresciani said. “And a little worrisome. I can’t quite recollect how I’ve exactly filled out my tax returns the last few decades.”