
Planned Parenthood: A Fight for Rights

When I was younger I was a pro-life, anti-sex,  purebred conservative. My parents raised me that way. Hell, I even referenced Dr. Suess in my pro-life proposal for history class in eighth grade.

Then I got into high school and my views began to change.

Being from a small town in the midwest, there wasn’t much diversity in my upbringing. There most definitely wasn’t talk of sex.

Scare tactics were used in Sexual Education and you only knew what you heard from the older kids when they gossiped in hushed tones while hanging out in the hallways.

Once high school hit my eyes began to open to a whole new world. Now, I am a full fledged liberal. I support the right to choose and the right to have sex with whom you please. Your business is your business after all. But that doesn’t mean that only the left wing should be supporting an organization like Planned Parenthood.

I support the right to choose and the right to have sex with whom you please. Your business is your business after all. That doesn’t mean that only the left wing should be supporting an organization like Planned Parenthood although.

Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides safe and affordable healthcare to women and get this.


Yeah, you don’t have to have a vagina to walk through the doors. It’s okay bud. You probably didn’t know you could get affordable health care because most of the time Planned Parenthood is solely associated with abortions.

Yes, safe and affordable abortions are offered. In reality, though, they offer a plethora of services.

For example, you can go get tested. Because let’s be honest here. Sex is had, mistakes are made and safety is important.

Instead of shoving the ‘you can make him use a condom’ bullshit down people’s throat, since those of you defunding planned parenthood believe that is a valid argument, how about we support Planned Parenthood’s campaign for STD/STI awareness.

Sorry Brad, but a condom won’t solve all of your problems.

And to those of you men that say ignorant shit like ‘Well why don’t you just stop having sex?’ or ‘There is always adoption’ or my personal favorite ‘Wait until marriage’.

What kind of double standard bull are you pushing?

It’s 2017 folks, let’s knock it off with that nonsense.

Married women need affordable health care too. Women can’t be the only one’s held responsible for unwanted pregnancies.

When it comes to sex, two play at that game, so you best be clean buddy.

Like I said, I used to be an extremely conservative person. But the ability to recognize how the world is changing and show compassion for others is what is important in developing a thriving future. We need to recognize and fight for what Planned Parenthood really is.

The future is a place for brighter and better things. De-funding an organization like Planned Parenthood is a few giant steps backward, and is the past really where we want to go?

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