The Fargo-Moorhead Community Theatre this weekend premiered its newest musical, “The Addams Family.” Directed by skilled regional director, Lori Bartlett Koenig, this funny musical follows the “Creepy, Kooky and Goofy”
The Colors of Berlin
All photos by Tessa Beck, who is currently studying abroad in Berlin, Germany. Captions displayed in order of photos. Graffiti artists are commissioned on rotation “The Colors of Berlin”
‘All Because of the Heroin’
He was grabbed by the belt buckle and hit in the face before he knew what was happening. Feeling himself bleeding, he looked up before the man “‘All Because of the Heroin’”
Gallery Hosts Live Painting Session
On Tuesday, the Memorial Union Gallery hosted a live painting demonstration with Megan Johnson. Johnson is a senior BFA candidate whose work is currently being “Gallery Hosts Live Painting Session”
Residence Hall Association Wins Regionally
North Dakota State’s Residence Hall Association won big at the No Frills Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls conference this year. NDSU won “Residence Hall Association Wins Regionally”
Hollywood Vampires Sink Teeth Into Fargo
What happens when two rock legends team up with a huge celebrity movie star? Furthermore, what happens when that trio comes to Fargo? We will find out “Hollywood Vampires Sink Teeth Into Fargo”
Fargo Flicks: Cats, Comedy, Clank
The tail-end of April is set of offer a wide variety of film-going experiences. From an abducted cat to star-studded casts and video game inspired adventures, “Fargo Flicks: Cats, Comedy, Clank”
Fraternities’ Corruption Mimics Real World Dishonesty
My experiences as an undergraduate at University of North Dakota left me with the impression that fraternities have made a series of informal bribes to “Fraternities’ Corruption Mimics Real World Dishonesty”