You Can Like Jesus and Halloween

No more Halloween Slander

I have been a Halloween fan for several years now. I love all things fall. I love pumpkins, flannel, the PSL, the cooler weather, the changing of the seasons, the leaves, I could wax poetic about the whole season for this whole article, but then it wouldn’t really be all that opinionated would it? If you’re a frequent reader of my Christian concerns column, then you may want to take a seat for this next part. Included on the list of topics of things I enjoy about fall is Halloween. 

That’s right! I love Halloween. In fact, I would go so far as to say it’s my favorite holiday. This isn’t even the first time I have gone to the mat to defend my love of Halloween either. Last year for the special edition of the Spooktrum (the Halloween special edition of the Spectrum) I wrote an article much like the one you are about to read about why I think Halloween is the greatest. 

To the Christian who emailed me about my love for Halloween and the concerns you have for me, I am sorry to have disappointed you! I can assure you that if Jesus convicted me for liking skeletons and ghosts, I would surely have stopped celebrating it by now. However, I am sorry I did not email you back. 

So, instead of taking any feedback contrary to my belief regarding Halloween, I will be doubling down and telling you even more reasons why I love it. 


A lot of Christians don’t like celebrating Halloween because they perceive it as a holiday that celebrates death. To which my response would be, so what? What need have I as a born-again Christian to fear death? I know exactly where I am going when I die and I, frankly, am excited to get there. This life is exhausting and full of trials and tribulations. Nowhere in the entire bible does it say “Become a Christian and your life will get easier.”

My goals in life are pretty simple. Tell as many people about Jesus before I get to go to eternity to chill with him. I am excited and relieved knowing what waits for me on the other side of this life. 

In the meantime, why shouldn’t I be able to poke fun at the concept of death knowing that King Jesus already conquered it anyway? 

The Events 

I am sorry, but no holiday events go as hard as the ones for Halloween do. Halloween is equipped with some of the most fun things you can do. There’s trick or treating (who came up with that, they are so fun), dressing up in costumes, scary movies, pumpkin carving, and going to a pumpkin patch, among so many other things I didn’t list here. None of which I feel require you to dishonor God by simply engaging in the activity. 

The FM area has some awesome events that you can go to that run throughout the month of October. Acres of Terror is a super popular spooky attraction that starts at Dusk and ends at midnights and goes from September 17th till October 29th. It is such a fun experience. I have been several times and I must say, the bus ride is a personal fav for me. There are also food trucks after you complete the maze of attractions for all your late-night snacking needs. 

There is also the Haunted Corn Maze south of Moorhead that my friends last year seemed to really enjoy. I think it is comparable to Acres of Terror but both provide unique experiences for people interested in supporting local businesses during this Halloween season. I highly recommend you check out both this fall. 

Finally, there is a hay maze in the parking lot of the West Acres Mall here in town that you can go thats a little less spooky and more fall vibes. I also think it would be better for kids too! If you want a less challenging experience they give you a map that you can use to find your way out too. 


I find dressing up to be so fun and one of the great joys of this time of year to me is planning a costume with your friends or with your partner. My boyfriend and I have done a few couples costumes including Minnie and Mickey Mouse.

However, this year I am trying to convince my roommates to be the power puff girls with me this year. (I think I could make a great buttercup) Anyway I love seeing how creative people are with their costumes. I feel like each person’s costume tells them a little bit about themself. Maybe they are just telling you what show they like, or maybe they are telling you I don’t really like making a Halloween costume. Regardless, it’s an opportunity to express yourself in a way that is fun and harmless. 


To like Halloween doesn’t mean that you are a devil worshipper or you practice witchcraft. There are harmless photo trends, silly pumpkin carvings, and a lot of harmless fun you can have with your friends. 

Furthermore, people in the Christian community should be mindful of shaming others who like or want to participate in Halloween. If you feel convicted about participating and you feel like it’s not a healthy practice for you and your family, that’s totally OK! 

What’s not cool is shaming other people, or other Christians who do like the holiday and going out of your way to tell them what a terrible believer you think they are. You not really accomplishing anything by dividing Christians, over an issue as silly and trivial as Halloween. I think God calls for unity in his church and shaming each other over whether or not you let your kids trick-or-treat doesn’t build up the kingdom of the kingdom of heaven. 

I am especially talking to you if you are leaving nasty messages on people’s social media. Not nice my brother in Christ!

So, this Halloween season remember to embrace one another in love and please stop slandering my favorite holiday. 

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