My Songs of the Summer

With every change of the season, one of my favorite things to do is create a playlist that will not only set the vibe for the next era but also give me something to look back on when I’m feeling nostalgic. This summer’s playlist is brought to you by a culmination of all my friends different tastes of music along with a few choices influenced by either movies I’ve seen or the great app that is TikTok. Without further ado, here are my top 7 songs of the summer.

“What Was I Made For?” by Billie Eilish

I heard this one sometime before I went to the Barbie movie, and even without the beautiful message that this song goes with in the Barbie movie, I was still balling my eyes out. This songs lyrics and overall emotional tone make you contemplate every single thing you’ve ever questioned about your purpose. Billie’s vocals in this song have this light, airy tone and paired with the heart shattering lyrics she delivers, it makes for quite the emotional rollercoaster.

“Daughter of the King” by Trailer Flowers

I found this song halfway through summer, and it was probably one of my greatest finds from TikTok. The specific yric that speaks to me more than I’d like to admit is, “When I was young I had to be old.” As the oldest child, I felt this on a different level, and the rest of the song followed right in step. This song details the writers’ experiences in their walk with God and the lessons they had to learn because of these different experiences on topics like love, being a kid, and knowing who their Father is.

“Roadkill” by The 1975

If you would’ve asked me 6 months ago if I knew who The 1975 was, my answer would’ve been no but thanks to the help of some friends, I now listen to this band on the regular. One of my favorite songs is “Roadkill” because no matter what mood I’m in, I can depend on this song to fit it. Its funky beat and variety of dynamics with the vocals and instrumentals are something I will never get over, and I highly recommend you listen to it on your walks to class because you will have an extra beat in your step.

“Let Light Be Light” by Lizzie McAlpine

This song is a little more heartfelt, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t just the beauty of Lizzie’s voice that brings this one to the top of my list. The chorus explains Lizzie’s confusion with a guy and her feelings for him, and throughout the verses, Lizzie uses metaphors and different questions she might’ve been asking herself during her time with him to communicate exactly what she was going through. The added vocal runs she does along with the simplicity of her voice come together to make a journey of sound and words that will have you listening on repeat.

“Sunshine Baby” by The Japanese House

The Japanese House is yet another band I found because of my friends, but it was only recently that I really started listening to their music, and boy am I glad I did. Their album “In The End It Always Does” is a combination of calming vibes and some lyrics on different topics. I won’t lie to you, I don’t really listen to their music for the words so much as the peaceful feel it has. “Sunshine Baby” has some really beautiful gliding vocals that give me chills and when they are put with the lulling rhythm of the background music, you have one great listen.

“Pleaser” by Wallows

This is the song I would imagine would be played as two people begin to realize that they love one another but are too shy to tell each other, and I love the way the lyricist explains the apprehension of what they are about to say. “Language of averted eyes” has to be one of my favorite lines because it’s the perfect description for the shyness of this specific relationship and relationships in general. Also, the beating electric guitar throughout the bridges and choruses brings this feeling of excitement with it, too.

“Fool of Myself” by The Band CAMINO

Now, this last one is a vibe from the funky intro to the buildup during the chorus. The Band CAMINO has such a range in music, but I find myself enjoying every single song just because of their uniqueness and the lyrics of heartbreak and falling in love and everything in between. This style of music was something I didn’t know I needed until I had it. “Fool of Myself” is so unexpected in a way because of its softness in comparison to some of their other music.

I highly recommend any of these songs, and although they might not put you in the summer mood, you can definitely start listening to them now and maybe by next summer, you’ll have an even better lineup than this year!

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