Mental Health Hotlines

Mental health crisis and related hotlines

The following hotlines are from The following hotlines can be used during mental health crises. If you or others are in immediate danger, call 911.

Mental Health Hotlines

Project Renew- (701-223-1510)

Project Renew is a mental health crisis hotline for people to discuss physical, economic and emotional hardships with trained counselors who can connect them with more resources. 

Disaster Distress Hotline- (800) 985-5590 

The Disaster Distress Hotline is a 24 hour 365 day hotline for immediate mental health crises related to anxiety, depression and stress caused by natural or human caused disasters. Crisis trained counselors are available to help people experiencing emotional distress. The Disaster Distress Hotline is a free multilingual service. 

Crisis Text Line- HOME to 741741

The Crisis Text Line connects people from anywhere in the United States with a a trained crisis counselor who can help with any crisis. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Agassiz Associates (701) 746-6336

Agassiz Associates can be used for those experiencing stress, anxiety and/or depression from substance abuse or related issues.

ShareHouse (877) 419-2533

ShareHouse can be used by those who have been diagnosed with a mental health or substance abuse disorder who are seeking treatment or resources. 

Heartview Foundation (701) 222-0386

The Heartview Foundation is a resource for those struggling to access local resources relating to addiction and mental health related issues. 

Domestic Violence Hotlines

National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-SAFE

The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides aid to those experiencing abuse. The National Domestic Violence Hotline can connect people to legal, local and health care resources. People can visit for online chat and text rooms for the National Domestic Violence Hotline as well.

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