Mental Health Check-In

I hope everyone has had an incredibly restful and relaxing spring break. To keep these good vibes flowing, it might be time to do a little mental health check-in. Maybe you’re feeling a little out of your groove, feeling down, or perhaps feeling a little lost. Create an opportunity to focus on your mental health and to keep it checked.

First of all, there are plenty of places that cater to your mental health for all NDSU students. You can make an appointment with NDSU’s counseling team any day or time during business hours, and you can choose to attend such meetings in person or online. Whatever feels comfortable for you. The counseling center is trained and experienced to talk you through anything that may be going on affecting your mental health. Whether it’s related to school, friends, family, your career, or anything in between, they are here for you.

NDSU’s counseling center also hosts different events that help support students’ mental health almost every month. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask them what their next event will be. I attended a puppy study session once. Yes, it’s exactly as cool as it sounds. Students got to study with puppies for hours on end.

Besides your resources through the counseling center, take some time for yourself. Exams are right around the corner, and for some, so is graduation. Take a second to breathe and focus on the now. You have more time than you think, and everything will work out how it’s supposed to. College isn’t easy, but you’re doing a killer job, so keep it up. Consider this your reminder to treat yourself. Spend a day doing things that fill your cup with people you enjoy spending time around.

You have permission to cut yourself some slack, appreciate the progress you’ve made, and give yourself a little pat on the back. You’re doing great, and I’m proud of you. 

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