Lost in Fargo: The College Daze

By golly, by golly, we are back.

NDSU students rejoice, we have a purpose — we are college students once again.

The feeling of not having a purpose in the world is gone, replaced (rather quickly I might add), by the feeling of responsibility conjoined with the feeling of utter regret for signing up for the classes you voluntarily agreed to three months ago.

We went from, “Yeah 19 credits is manageable” to dropping a class like it’s hot. College season is here.

Fargo’s seasons are changing as well, summer turns into fall, and fall turns into hell, what a time to be alive! I personally can’t wait to take an exam when its 40 degrees below zero outside.

Forgotten is the time that we sat around and did nothing but eat chips shirtless in a hot house while binge watching Netflix.

Rather now, we are studiously eating chips and reading course material, in a slightly cooler house, shirt not necessarily needed.

Can I get a “Hallelujah” for upcoming exams?

Gone are the moments of waking up at noon and rolling out of bed by two. Who wanted to sleep-in anyways?

We set alarms like adults! This is our fight song (alarm goes off in background).

Sleeping late is now reserved for weekends, and of course, the occasional Bison day.

Eating has gotten exponentially harder, but I have found a solution! Eat loudly during class. Believe me, only half the class really even cares to notice.

That is okay though — remember, I am an engineering student, not a counselor.

Life has changed, I think for the better, though the first round of exams are quickly approaching, and I fear if I even have the ability to write my name correctly at this point.

Hello, my name is Erik, and I am truly a hot mess.

“Professor do you give participation points, is it too early to ask for extra credit?”

I was excited for this. Yay, purpose! Yay working towards goals! Yay, I only really need four hours of sleep I guess!

Sleep, I forgot what it feels like to sleep, but who needs it.

Why sleep when coffee, and homework are a thing? If you drink enough coffee nirvana should be achievable, or at least that is the theory.

Welcome back folks. Together as fellow Bison are going to tackle this year. Together we will forget what month it is. Together we will wear the same shirt two days in a row. Together we will lose everything we could possibly lose. Of course, together we will surpass expectations, and actually college/adult correctly.

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