How To Make the Most of Christmas Break As a Student

Believe it or not, the holiday season is here. Que franticly shopping for gifts, eagerly putting up decorations, and for us students, dragging ourselves through finals. Even though this is one of the most stressful times for college students across the nation, there are ways to ease the pain and take the edge off this holiday season. If you’re in need of some holiday spirit or looking for fun ways to spruce up your winter, here are some ways to make the most of your Christmas break.

Before heading home for Christmas break, try to get all of your assignments and finals squared away. There is something so satisfying about not mixing schoolwork with getting home to see your family. Maintaining these two aspects of your life and keeping them separate feels like a huge breath of fresh air for when you return home. Now, home can truly feel like a vacation.

Next, once you make it home for the holidays, make it a point to do a little self-care night. I know what you’re all thinking: cucumbers on eyes, face mask on, with a glass of wine. Typical. Although that sounds pretty perfect, self-care can look completely different from person to person. So, tap into a hobby or guilty pleasure and own it. Play some video games you love, watch that one movie again for the hundredth time, or grab those cucumbers and face masks without shame. Do whatever that activity is that relaxes you and makes you happy. Once you’ve filled your cup, you can start giving to more people and truly make your holiday break magical.

Finally, and arguably most important, Christmas does not have to be perfect. Anticipate gifts not arriving on time, forgotten plans, or events that ran amuck. It’s okay if there are bumps in the road or unexpected surprises. Take it all with a grain of salt and just be thankful for the time at home without the interruption of homework, tests, quizzes, surveys, or exams. You name it. It’s your time, so don’t get too wrapped up in spending the “perfect” Christmas break.

So, take some of this advice with you whether you’re flying south for a Florida Christmas or staying in your hometown. I wish you all good luck on your finals, safe travels back home, and a very Merry Christmas. The Spectrum can’t wait to meet you back here next semester. Until then, go Bison.

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