Bouquets are made and delivered around the community
By making and delivering bouquets, Hope Blooms makes sure no one feels alone during these times
Hope Blooms is a local nonprofit in Fargo with the mission of creating bouquets for those with long-term illnesses, in hospice care, residents in nursing homes or assisted living, homebound seniors and anyone who may be going through difficult times. Kelly Krenzel, the founder of Hope Blooms, started the mission in the basement of her home in 2016.
Krenzel had the idea to repurpose her friend’s wedding flowers by making them into smaller bedside bouquets to hand out to the community. Robyn Gatz, an operations assistant at Hope Blooms, explained the purpose of Krenzel’s idea and the impact it has on the community.
“That idea that a random act of kindness can be such an important turning point in someone’s day to let them know they’re being thought of.”
Hope Blooms accepts flower donations from the community including from weddings, funerals, wholesalers and corporate gatherings to make the bouquets. While the pandemic has caused many weddings to be postponed meaning there isn’t a lot of donations coming from those events anymore, Hope Blooms has recently partnered with Hornbacher’s and Cashwise who provide weekly donations.
“The grocers have really stepped up and that’s been a huge help for us to kind of keep our mission rolling,” Gatz said.
Hope Blooms is 100% run off of volunteers as Gatz explained, “They are literally the working wheels of our operation and help us continue to grow and drive our mission in the community.”
Some of the tasks volunteers do include arranging the bouquets, delivering bouquets and day-to-day operations such as cleaning jars.
Bouquets are delivered to about 50 facilities around the community including assisted living facilities, local hospitals and other nonprofits. “We’re really trying to reach out to those people who might be that slightly more vulnerable state and just reminding them that someone’s thinking of them and just hopefully adding that little love and joy,” Gatz added.
While Hope Blooms had to shut down for two months last year at the height of the pandemic, Gatz said that they’ve been able to work in smaller numbers.
Last summer they did doorstep deliveries by leaving bouquets on anyone’s doorstep. “Everyone needed that reminder that the community was still together even though we couldn’t be together.”
Though Gatz said that the in-person deliveries to residents are missed, their mission is still being made. “We’re just thrilled that we’re able to just get those flowers at least to a front door because we hope those people know they’re not being forgotten.”
As residents in assisted living centers and other facilities haven’t been able to have visitors, Gatz said that being able to continue making and delivering bouquets has created interpersonal connections.
Hope Blooms is participating in Giving Hearts Day on Feb. 11 which is their biggest fundraiser of the year. Donations to Hopes Blooms can be made on the Giving Hearts website Home | Giving Hearts Day – a Fundraising Event for Charities.
Hope Blooms also accepts supply donations including pint and half-pint clear mason jars and twine. With the pandemic cleaning supplies such as disinfectant wipes and trash bags can also be donated.
Even if someone can’t make a money or supply donation, volunteering is a good way to help their mission. “Our goal is to reach as many community members as possible.”
To sign up to volunteer, go to Volunteer – Hope Blooms