Drunk College Student Debates Grandpa, Totally Wins

PHOTO COURTESY Malcolm Slaney | Grandpa eyes Billy before the first course.
PHOTO COURTESY Malcolm Slaney |
Grandpa eyes Billy before the first course.

News out of your hometown is shocking as a college student who drank at Thanksgiving reports that he totally won that debate with his grandfather at the dinner table.

“It was really mind opening,” Billy Bison, the student in question, said.

Billy said he totally respects his grandfather’s point of view, but stills pointed out his success.

“Not only did I get to drink with my family, but I educated them on socioeconomic struggles of the middle class and of course how being a vegetarian means I am going to heaven,” Bison said.

Billy said the dinner was going fine until a joke about Trump’s proposed wall was related to a wall around the mash potatoes.

“It was then I had to check his privilege,” Bison said.

Bison cited multiple, “what about that” moments that seemed to only befuddle and confuse his grandfather.

“To a Trump question, my grandfather brought up Hilary’s email scandal,” Bison said. “I brought up how the DNC rigged the election to block Bernie from getting the nomination. He failed to see my point, granted this was half a bottle of wine into the night.”

According to Bison, this was the first time he drank over the holidays with his family.

“I told my family about my final for mechanical engineering 223 mechanics of materials, which the average final exam grade is a 30-40 percent, my parents quickly grabbed me a beer.”

As far as debating, Bison sees no end in sight.

“I love my grandpa, he is an avid viewer of Fox ‘News’ (he added air quotation marks) so that means I have about 60 percent of debates in the bag right there.”

Bison continued to say that by the end of the night, he was preaching passionately about global warming.

“I would be lying if I said there weren’t tears. What can I say I love penguins.”

Bison’s grandpa couldn’t have been reached for comment but the “burns” are quickly healing from that dreadful Thanksgiving night duel.

“I love him, and most of the time he loves me. Except when I remind him I voted for Hilary.”

Billy sees next Thanksgiving as a prime target to strike again. “Next Thanksgiving we will have the apocalypse to talk about if Trump and the Senate have anything to say about it.”

“Next Thanksgiving we will have the apocalypse to talk about if Trump and the Senate have anything to say about it.”

Billy is a sophomore in the mechanical engineering program and a devoted “Bernie-Bro.” He can be found most of the time playing guitar outside of the Union and is easily distinguishable by his complaining at the Union Coffee Shop over the lack of non-vegan options. 

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