My letter to this summer
Dear summer,
I have many things I do not want to talk about (school). But we can talk about what we did last summer! Last year with you was pain and stress free. It was peace of mind. It was an entire 180 compared to the fall.
Remember last year when we visited that waterpark for the first time? I had so much fun. We also spent nights staying up reading stories, and playing Uno with my sisters while my parents were asleep.
But at times I miss fall too. I miss the adrenaline and the relatability. I miss my friends and learning with them. As hard as it is to deal with, school is actually fun.
Every year I visit you in a new age, and every year I leave you to complete it.
But this year, I’m trying hard to leave fall happy, and see you with weightless shoulders. I wanna stare at the clouds above us and spin in the gleaming greenery.
Even though you are friendly to me, I would like to see you make new friends, summer. Maybe cool your temper towards others, and in turn they might care for your springs. The world isn’t such a bad place, summer. I know you’ve worked hard, and we take you for granted.
But when fall nears we have no time to make memories, or care for your greens. But I promise you, I’ll plan a gift every time you do come around. I will greet you with a smile on my face and my head in the clouds. Take me on an adventure every summer.
Yours truly,
Ludden Ahmed.

Photo Courtesy | Ludden Ahmed