College Bucket List: NDSU Edition

Let the Spectrum be the first to give you all a warm welcome back. Well, maybe first, us and the emails you got weeks ago from professors informing you about syllabi. Nonetheless, welcome back everybody. After a long break home, it tends to put your year at NDSU into perspective. You can take the time to reflect on your fall semester, think about things you accomplished and tried, and most importantly the things you didn’t do.

Luckily, you have an entire spring semester to try the things you didn’t get to at the beginning of the year. Here are the top 10 things you should do in college before you graduate/before the year ends. Think of this as your personal makeshift bucket list.

1. Participate in at least one intramural team.

Pull together some friends, coworkers, peers, literally anyone. Doesn’t matter if you have years of experience under your belt or you just heard of the sport, you can play. Go check out the variety of sports on the Wellness Center website. You’ll be surprised as to how many sports NDSU offers.

2. Find an activity put on by student services in the Union.

You know the hundreds of emails you get daily? Well, one of those is to inform you of activities happening right there in the union free for all students. It can be as easy as picking up a free cookie and hot cocoa, or staying for a while to make crafts. It’s a great way to break up your day and see what they have in store.

3. Fill the stands at sporting events.

Now that it’s spring we have sadly said goodbye to football, but plenty is around the corner. Attend as many basketball, track and field, and baseball events as you can! Free of charge to all students.

4. Hit up the wellness center for their floatie and glow nights.

Every once in a while NDSU Wellness Center will host a floatie night where they throw in any and all floaties into the pool and sometimes even throw a movie on the projector. Then, you can return for their glow nights. All lights are off in the pool and hot tub and it’s time to glow!

5. Tag along to excursions through the Wellness Center.

During this spring semester, the Wellness Center buses students to Detroit Mountain as well as a place for a hike twice this semester! Hop on for a fun day out in nature.

6. Dive into new restaurants around downtown!

You’ll be shocked to see how many places offer student discounts! Take advantage of that while you can.

7. Try out some Group Fit classes!

Broaden your horizons and test out some new ways to move your body! All are free of charge for all NDSU students.

8. Go ice skating!

Whether it’s downtown or the open rinks on 12th Street, make the most of the cold weather and practice those ice skating skills. Bonus points if you make hot chocolate after.

9. Once the weather gets warmer, make it outside to do anything!

Take walks around campus. Get some friends together and hang out outside. There’s no better way to welcome in the spring weather.

10. And finally, any other activity that came to mind while reading this list.

Bowl and play pool in the Union! Join clubs! Do the stuff you’ve been waiting to do. Now’s your chance to get out there and not regret not doing it until next fall semester. 

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