Closing a Chapter and Starting a New One
I have been at The Spectrum since the first semester of my freshman year. When I first started writing I don’t think that I thought I would get this far or continue writing for this long. Yet here I am, writing my good-bye article at the close of a chapter in my life.
In my time I have covered a lot of topics, including politics, pop culture, religion, education, local news and everything in between. And for the most part, I have loved it. There has been something so therapeutic in having an outlet and the platform to say something about the topics that are most affecting the world the most from my bedroom in Fargo, ND with my laptop covered in stickers.
Writer and Editor
To have worked with some really excellent people who for better or worse has shaped who I am becoming as a professional and as writer. I don’t know where I would be without the opinion editor before me, Delaney, who mentored me and wasn’t afraid to tell me when my article was wack and needed some fixing up, but also was never afraid to offer an encouraging word.
What has really made this experience a positive one for me was feedback. My fellow students, let me tell you: feedback is such a gift. It allows us to grow in ways we never thought possible and learn things about how others perceive us. We all have flaws and I know one of mine is my hot-headedness. If it wasn’t for other professional who corrected me when I was stepping out of line or wasn’t producing the quality of work I’m capable of, then I would have had my growth stunted.
Not only has it been rewarding to receive feedback, but it’s also been a pleasure to be the one giving feedback. When I became the editor a year or so ago, I had no writers and had to build myself a team from scratch. It’s not called the Abigail section, it’s the opinion section, and I am grateful for every writer who has ever worked with me to make this section (in my humble opinion) the best to read in the paper. I had the privilege to elevate some of my writers to leadership positions and to watch other writers go from a novice to producing articles worthy of the New York Times.
Learning to give feedback to others was daunting. There is always the fear that I won’t communicate something clearly or give writers the tools to succeed that they need. And sometimes, my worst fears were confirmed and I have had writers not respond well to my feedback. When added to fears about how the public or staff at NDSU may perceive my work, there is always a little bit of fear when publishing an article. Never forget how powerful our words can be. We can build a future or ruin one with just a few words.
Thank You

However, the vast majority of writers I have worked with have been wonderful people and I would like to especially thank my team for working with me this semester: Marie Sayler, Katie Leier, Camryn Anderson, Winnie Weninger, and Fahmida Haque Chowdhury for all your hard work and dedication to making the section what it is. It has been a pleasure working with you all and I have learned so much from each and every one of you.
Finally, I want to thank you, the reader, for all the times you picked up a copy of the spectrum or read an article from me online. The Spectrum is a business and I am very grateful for all your continued support of this silly social work student doing her best to balance work, school, relationships, and clubs. Every time you pick up a copy of The Spectrum you are promoting the voice of students just like you, who just want to make a difference and speak up for the things that matter to us.
The ending of seasons can be scary, and I will miss my time as editor. However, this for me will be a soft close, not an abrupt one. I will still be writing in the new year, but I am taking a step back so Marie Sayler can step into the role of Opinion Editor with all the support I can give her.
In the meantime, this semester is pretty much the last semester of classes for me. Into this next semester I will be working on an internship and completing my senior seminar so that I can walk in the spring. Though this is my good-bye to The Spectrum it will not be my goodbye to NDSU quite yet,
So, you will have that article to look forward to in the spring. However, dear reader, I am saying good-bye for now and I hope to see you around campus in the spring.