The Homecoming king and queen Alexa Braaten and Preston Anderson.
Alexa Braaten and Preston Andersen are North Dakota State’s new Homecoming king and queen. The coronation took place Thursday, Sept. 20. during the annual Homecoming Show, an event put on by the Blue Key Honor Society.
Leading up to the event, members of Blue Key showcased its flair for dramatics with renditions of scenes from Harry Potter. The entertainment also included an impressionist, two jugglers and a spoken word artist.
The main event was saved until the end, with voting for royalty coming from a pool of 12 candidates.
Being crowned king was “exhilarating,” Andersen said. “I didn’t think it would be me. I thought it would be one of the other five.”
Andersen said he didn’t know why he was crowned homecoming king, but that getting involved and having connections helped.
FarmHouse Fraternity nominated Andersen, but he is also a member of Bison Ambassadors, Blue Key and choir.
The auditorium was packed for the show, and Andersen said he loved it, saying, “Our kind of motto is get butts in seats.” According to Andersen, the more people in attendance, the more money the organization can raise for charity.
“It’s an honor to be voted on by my peers,” Braaten said. She didn’t expect to be chosen amongst the court.
Braaten said it was also an honor to be around women from diverse backgrounds: “It was pretty awesome to spend the whole week with them.”
Tri Delta and the Interfraternity Council nominated the new Queen. On-campus service is “huge,” according to Braaten, who said she is also a part of Blue Key and Bison Ambassadors. She said these organizations are what got her to where she is today.
“When I get to know people, I want to know them on a personal level,” Braaten said. “I desire deep connections. For me, it’s like, how can I serve them best? What can I do to serve them best?”
“NDSU will always be my home,” Braaten said. She also said she is “very thankful” to be NDSU’s homecoming queen.
Andersen simply said, “Go Bison.”