Week 004: How are you feeling about finals?

Yes, you! Welcome to our newest column, where every week I pose one question to randomly selected students I see in Memorial Union. Last week we chilled out with some music, and this week I brought everyone’s attention back to our impending doom. In case you were wondering, I’m not feeling so good about finals – but here’s what you guys had to say.
Q: How are you feeling about finals?
A: Honestly, I don’t have that many tests so I’m on my final project grind right now. – GB
A: (long silence) Oh, wow. (longer silence) Can that be my answer? – JMC
A: Pretty good, because I don’t really have finals. I’m pretty far along in my grad career so I only have one class right now – I’m mostly a research assistant. – AM
A: Oh. (long sigh, head in hands) (silence) No, I’m feeling okay, actually. – CM
A: I’m stressed, but honestly I’m super excited because I’m graduating, so while I’m stressed and anxious and feeling all of the feelings, but I’m more excited for what’s next so I’m not overthinking everything the way I usually do. – SG
A: I’m feeling good! I’m graduating, all my classes are online and I have a job lined up! – KS
A: Sad, depressed, wanting to die – not actually, I just want school to be over. – TN
A: Stressed. Sad because all my friends are graduating. – KH