Volunteering can be beneficial to you
You should be volunteering. According to nonprofitssource.com, approximately 63 million Americans (25% of the adult population) volunteer their time, talents and energy to make a difference in the world around them. Are you included in the 63 million Americans that volunteer? I hope so.
WebMD says, “Volunteers experience greater satisfaction with life and with life purpose. There is also a greater sense of self-confidence and identity when it comes to volunteering. Older people have even found that volunteering may reduce the onset of cognitive decline and lowers the rates of depression and loneliness.”
Are you stressed, anxious or worried about school? Maybe take the time to volunteer. Volunteering can help lower levels of stress, anxiousness and worry. Volunteering will help you get out of that negative or worried mindset and into a mindset that has you feeling joy.
By volunteering, you can make life-long friends and feel a sense of belonging within that volunteer group. You and those you are volunteering with have a common interest: donating their time to help others. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet your best friend or soulmate through volunteering.
Volunteering also looks good on a resume. Employers look to see if potential employees have volunteer or service hours. You are more likely to get the job if you have volunteer on your resume.
Take the leap. Try volunteering and make the world a better place.
There are so many ways to volunteer at and around NDSU’s campus. NDSU has the Volunteer Network, established to help students, faculty and staff find service opportunities in the Fargo-Moorhead area and surrounding communities. The student staff at the NDSU Volunteer Network consult with staff who work closely with non-profit agencies to identify individual and group service opportunities.
These service opportunities can match both the needs of the community and the student or faculty’s interests and skills. The Volunteer Network is a great way to get involved around the Fargo-Moorhead area.
Off campus there are even more volunteering opportunities. There are churches around the area that are looking for greeters, Sunday School teachers and even ushers. There are events and non-profits around the Fargo-Moorhead area that might need your help.
Volunteer opportunities off campus could include the Salvation Army, the Fargo Public Library, the Red Cross, the American Cancer society, Habitat for Humanity or the Rape Abuse Crisis Center.
I encourage you to volunteer. By volunteering you will feel like you belong and your mental health will see improvement. Volunteering is not just beneficial to you, it’s also beneficial to those you are helping.
I enjoy volunteering because I feel like I am doing something that is bigger than myself. I am helping a community and making an impact on those around me.
While growing up, I had many opportunities for volunteering that I accepted, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. If you had a bad experience volunteering, don’t give up — maybe try volunteering somewhere else. There are plenty of people, businesses and organizations that are looking for volunteers.
Take the leap. Try volunteering and make the world a better place.