The Show and Coronation
When fall is underway, homecoming (hoco) follows. As a fourth-year student, this has come to consistently been one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have fallen in love with the atmosphere of school pride and the energy that people bring to all the different events. Although each of the residence halls is competing against each other for Spirit Points, the love of the Bison Nation can clearly be seen in everything that is done. This includes making banners, attending the parade, and of course, going to all the different sporting events.

However, the most important events of Hoco are the Homecoming Show and Coronation. While all of the other events are done in honor of the University, the Homecoming Show supports a different cause. Every Year, the Blue Key Honor Society puts on this annual variety show that includes the coronation of the Homecoming Royalty and the declaration of the winners from the Spirit Banners.
Blue Key is an American national honor society for college upperclassmen, with over fifty chartered collegiate chapters across the country. They also put on the Bison Brevities show in the spring.
You really get the most out of the experience as well since all of the acts are entertaining and often follow the theme of the show. This year, that theme is High School Musical, which was a classic Disney movie for our age group. Typically, most of the acts are done by Greek Life who tend to go all out with trying to be the best performers. Other times there are members of the student body who will showcase their talents.
Typically, this was the only event that had a cover charge to get into the show. This year however, NDSU students get in for free with their valid student ID. Non-NDSU students still have to pay the $10 to get in. Blue Key also put on a silent auction, with all ticket sales and donations going towards a new nonprofit every year. All of the money raised this year will be going towards FirstLink, which is the suicide helpline in North Dakota.
Not only are they free and confidential to anyone 24/7/365, they also provide referrals to outside resources and crisis intervention. According to their website, FirstLink also “answers the 211 helpline, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, and communicates via the text line 898-211 for the entire state of North Dakota and parts of Minnesota.”
All of the money raised this year will be going towards FirstLink, which is the suicide helpline in North Dakota
I have a deep connection with the nonprofit this year and want to help make a positive impact on them. My freshman year of college, I lost a close friend to suicide. This has led me to work closely with FirstLink in an attempt to let others know that there is help out there for them. I truly believe that having FirstLink come to campus and speak at the Homecoming show will help to provide that lifeline to students.
As much as I enjoy going to the variety of events offered throughout the week, I always prioritize attending the Homecoming Show because I know that there is power in numbers.There is so much behind-the-scenes work that goes into putting on this show, and I know it would mean the world to everyone involved if people would attend and donate to this great cause.