A How-To for the Autumnal Mood
Due to the leaves’ change of color and the availability of PSLs, or pumpkin spice lattes, at Starbucks, I’m sure you are all aware that fall is upon us. To some, this is a season of cute dates to the pumpkin patch and aesthetic Instagram posts, while others have been planning their costumes since last year and look forward to snuggling up to watch Halloween.
I’m not sure if any of you can relate, but the fall season always makes me feel like the main character and brings a sense that I am in the midst of an artsy episode of my life. I all of a sudden have a lot of motivation to become academic and sip on my cute coffee and read a cute book wearing my cute outfit; I’d be lying if I didn’t include that my “cute outfit” is usually sweats and a crewneck.
Anyway, the fall season is one we can all detect whether we like it or not: if you don’t like fall, I can assure you it doesn’t make you better than everyone else, so get with the program.
In this version of Fall for Dummies, I will be giving a bit of a how-to for the fall season so that everyone can feel included; yes, even you people who refuse to admit your love for fall. First off, we are going to talk about how you can detect it really falls.
The most obvious thing to look for is the changing of the leaves on the trees. I don’t know about you, but this is probably one of my favorite things about autumn. The color scape of the world becomes much more fun and bright, and although the grass may be dying and the flowers have passed away, the beautiful leaves make up for it.
Now, I wish I could say the next thing to detect fall through is the weather, but let’s be honest, the weather in North Dakota is too inconsistent for us to base it solely on that factor: I will say that the wind seems to have picked up as I was almost blown away on my late-night walk the other day.

Photo Courtesy | Hayden Austin
For the most stereotypical detection of falls, we have the sudden existence of plaid button-ups. It seems like everyone loves to break these bad boys out during this time, and I love all the original ways people style them. The fact that just about every guy on campus was wearing a sweatshirt with the plaid button-up, sweats, and Nike Air Forces on the first day of fall really say something about our society.
I especially love it when all the girls switch that outfit up by replacing the sweats with black leggings: A+ for the OOTD! Besides the point, I will say that the fall season seems to bring a new fashion that consists of funky jeans, all sorts of outfits with the base of sweatpants, and of course, the coveted plaid jackets and shirts.
The next sign of fall even has our very own Bison Beanery here to represent it! I don’t know if any of you noticed, but the wind of September 22 seemed to be carrying the scent of pumpkin. Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Lattes are available, the Bison Beanery now has a drink called a Pumpkin Cheesecake Latte, Bath and Body Works released their Fall Collection, and the pumpkin decorations from a year ago are back.
Pumpkins and pumpkin-shaped things and pumpkin-scented things and pumpkin-tasting things have returned, and FaceBook moms couldn’t be happier with the world. I’m not a huge pumpkin girly, but I can say I have dabbled in the pumpkin-loving spirit.
Moving onto the most important part of the fall feeling: Halloween. It’s the time for people to put their morals aside and wear something their grandmother wouldn’t be proud of. The time for eating an entire bag of candy and not feel bad. The time to make yourself watch horror movies and be paranoid for the rest of the week. Halloween is really its own season entirely.
Now that I have given you some ways to distinguish fall from the other seasons, I’m going to provide you with some cliche ways to enjoy the season. According to the first article that popped up when I searched “fall activities,” there are sixty-one fun fall activities, but I will only be discussing five.
First off, jump in a pile of leaves. This may seem a bit childish, but sometimes that is exactly what you need after a week of midterms.
Second, find a good book, light a candle(unless you’re in the dorms; make sure nobody knows about it), cozy up with a fluffy blanket, and read. In my mind, this is the peak of the fall feeling; I don’t know if there’s anything that can top the serotonin I get from this.
Third, get some coffee, and if you don’t like coffee, get some tea. A little drink to go with your study session makes being a student just a little more bearable.
Fourth, do some baking. I myself love to make a delicious apple or pumpkin pie to kick off the season, but feel free to bake up some of those sugar cookies from the frozen section of Walmart with the pumpkins on them. Whatever floats your boat.
Anyway, the fall season is one we can all detect whether we like it or not: if you don’t like fall, I can assure you it doesn’t make you better than everyone else, so just get with the program.
Last but certainly not least, put on a cute outfit, and I hate myself for saying it but go to a pumpkin patch. You can multitask by not only finding the perfect pumpkin to carve but also having a photoshoot. Trust me, I know it’s cringe, but it does get you in the fall mood.
Yes, the fall season can seem like a time when only those who are considered “basic” thrive, but trust me when I say that you can make fall whatever you want it to be. I’ve learned that finding things that make you happy will undoubtedly result in a more enjoyable life, so do your best to make this season exciting! I can’t deny that following some of the stereotypical parts of this season is what gives my experience in college and life a little more joy.
Now that I have given you one of many guides for the fall feeling, I encourage you to make the most of the fall season before North Dakota decides it’s time for snow.