Study abroad students may soon be paying a $300 user fee.
Student senate representatives have given their nod of approval to an increase in study abroad fees by a 13-5 vote. Three senators abstained from the vote.
The senate resolution, a nonbinding piece of legislation, stated an increase of $300 would be doled out to study abroad users. The Jan. 17 student senate meeting minutes state the intended purpose of the fee is to allow the study abroad office to be fully staffed, as well as to allow the office to grow and be gathered so it would not have to continue to ask for money.
The Study Abroad program receives its funding from an allocated budget, and it does not receive any grants nor work with the diversity office.
Previously, no student user fee had existed, though a $150 application fee does exist for the purposes of marketing and promotional materials for Study Abroad.
Study Abroad has postponed asking for this fee increase so as to not put off students from studying abroad.
Study Abroad did look for other means of funding first, but wanted to ask student senate sooner rather than later so as to have billing fully planned out for those studying abroad this semester.
Students presently studying abroad are aware that they may be charged with this $300 fee.
In discussion, student senator Kim Ellwein said $300 is not much in terms of studying abroad, and showed support for the fee.
The Spectrum was unable to obtain a statement from the study abroad office at press time.