Concordia College must trim $2.7 million from costs and new revenue.
As North Dakota State prepares to cut its budget by over 4 percent, across the river, Concordia College has slashed nine majors and one concentration.
The Forum reported the Moorhead private college reviewed which programs had experienced enrollment declines in the process of deciding which programs to cut. The college also considered how to align its budget with “the majors for which there is the most evidence of demand from current and future students.”
To balance its budget, Concordia has a target of $2.7 million in cutting costs and new revenue so it can balance its budget and cover annual salary increases, The Forum reported. The university will also offer veteran faculty early retirements as an incentive to save money.
Concordia cut majors of classical studies, classics, Latin, Latin education, French, French education, German, health, humanities and its concentration in Scandinavian studies. Thirty-eight students are enrolled in these majors with 12 set to graduate in spring. Concordia’s total enrollment was 2,162 students for fall 2015, the college reported.
Two of Concordia’s language programs, Latin and Norwegian, are not offered at NDSU or Moorhead State University Moorhead.
Students from these universities, however, had the option to attend courses in these languages at Concordia through the Tri-College course exchange program.
This program grants NDSU, MSUM and Concordia students to obtain a minor at one of the other universities if it is not offered that their home institution.
Concordia administration told The Forum there are options to assist students who are currently enrolled in the discontinued majors such as independent studies and substitutions.
Of the majors that have been cut, minors are still available in classics, French and German.
Decisions about staffing in the cut programs will be made in February, according to the college.
Wasn’t there quite a massive fund-raising campaign by Concordia a few years back? Can’t the considerable emphasis upon the humanities that has long characterized Concordia be maintained by dipping into those funds for this obvious emergency?? Those of us with degrees in languages from Concordia, are, of course, heartbroken, to say the least, at this news. SAVE IDEALISM AT CONCORDIA!!
Shirley Iverson, New Ulm, MN; retired language teacher
B.A., Latin, summa cum laude, Concordia College, 1961;
Master of Arts for Teachers of Russian, Indiana University, 1966;
Master of Arts, Russian (Literature), University of Colorado, 1973
Teacher of Latin, Russian, ESL and English in
Minnesota, Colorado, New York, Japan and Russia
for a total of 31 years
(permanent secondary certification for the teaching of Latin and Russian
in the states of New York and Indiana)