One day my friend asked me if I followed any North Dakota State student-athletes on Twitter. “Yeah a few,” I said. “Dude, you have to “Top 5 Twitter Moments Through Fall Semester”
Crazy Cryptography
Can you figure out the ciphers below? I’ve included some hints to make it a bit easier. Caesar Cipher (Hint: A=D) BRX FDQ GR LW! “Crazy Cryptography”
What I Learned at NDSU. No Textbook Needed.
Some things in college simply aren’t taught or emphasized enough in the classrooms. To boil my collegiate career down to main takeaways is a daunting task, “What I Learned at NDSU. No Textbook Needed.”
The 12 Days of Netflix
The worst part about finals: the requirement that you stop binge-watching Netflix and actually get some studying done. But, if you make it through the “The 12 Days of Netflix”
Take a Yoga Break
Created over 5,000 years ago in Northern India according to, yoga marries strength, balance and mindfulness of the body. This means that it benefits not “Take a Yoga Break”
Should You Interrupt My Studying?
Students Utilize Dead Week to Maximize Procrastination
Dear readers, As you all know, the infamous Dead Week is upon us. As the tweets about failing GPAs are paired with hilarious GIF’s mount, “Students Utilize Dead Week to Maximize Procrastination”
Dead Week Sudoku
Scroll down for answers. “Dead Week Sudoku”