Hello Bison! Welcome to my first coffee shop review of the school year. I have nearly exhausted my options, but I somehow have not reviewed “Coffee Review Series: Black Coffee and Waffle Bar”
What is Public Health?
“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world,” comments Paul Farmer, a world-renowned infectious disease “What is Public Health?”
Ode to Oasis
Fargo is losing a wonderful restaurant this month The Oasis Restaurant and Bar in West Fargo has announced that they will be closing at the “Ode to Oasis”
National POW/MIA Day
Author’s Note: Research is credited to National Day Calendar, Defense POW/ MIA Accounting Agency, and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Our country would not exist “National POW/MIA Day”
My Last Name May Be White, but I Am Still Latina
There are many ways to be multiracial. We’ve recently entered Hispanic Heritage Month, which goes from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 each year. While I’m “My Last Name May Be White, but I Am Still Latina”
Improve Your Screen Time
Using your phone for better, not worse It’s really hard to put my phone down. The whole world is literally at the tips of my “Improve Your Screen Time”
Club Spotlight: Sales Club
This week I have two whole club spotlights! The second club spotlight for the week is on NDSU’s Sales Club. According to the Sales Club “Club Spotlight: Sales Club”
Violas: The Forgotten Instrument
As a music nerd at heart, I can become quite defensive of the instruments that I favor, and the instrument that I am most defensive “Violas: The Forgotten Instrument”