It’ll Buff

Don’t worry about it too much

Welcome to North Dakota State University, we are all so excited you are here! It has been a while since I was in your shoes, so I can’t quite recall how my freshman year went. That and I got sent home early due to COVID shutting down campus. Regardless, this is my fifth year living on campus and fourth year working with residence life. Trust me when I say I know a thing or two about what to do.

You have made it through your first week, and I am proud of you for that. The whirlwind of emotions and experiences is something you likely have not experienced before. That can be very scary, but my main piece of advice to keep in mind is: “It’ll Buff”. This means buffing out the major issues that arise, and letting the little things be as they are. Things will turn out okay! Being worried right away is to be expected, but before long you will wonder why you were even concerned in the first place. 

The longer that you are here on campus, the more routine will dull the initial shininess of college life. These everyday occurrences will create a new sense of normalcy, which will be helpful when it comes to the rest of the semester. This includes getting up and going to bed at consistent times, knowing how long it takes you to walk from one class to another, and meeting new people (maybe even your roommate) that will hopefully become old friends. Some of these things you may have already done, but do not feel limited by the amount of time that has gone by. There are always opportunities on campus, both socially and academically.

 I know that making friends is often a major concern for freshmen, and there are plenty of ways to do this. One of the easiest ways is talking to people in your dorm. Reach out to those you met during Welcome Week, or take it a step further and join hall government! They are always accepting positions. Attend student involvement expos, or if you missed it you go to the website MyNDSU to find a list of all active clubs on campus. There is an overwhelming amount, so you should be able to find something you are interested in. Another way to make friends is by looking at those weekly emails that get sent out, which share what events are happening that week. Try to attend them! If not to make friends, go at least for the free things.

Every freshman that is here is going through the same thing you are. I cannot emphasize enough that you will be okay. Take a deep breath and know that things will buff out for you eventually. If the concern is really eating you alive, there are plenty of resources on campus that you can reach out to. This includes your RA or Hall Director, your professors, and the counseling center on campus. People are here to help, and we want to see you succeed. Get connected and do not be afraid to live your best life. Remember, it’ll buff.

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