After three years, it is time for a change

Add to that the fact that each year, they publish a ‘special edition’ called The Rectum. How childish is that?
The last three years have been a hell of a ride.
Between the road trips to Frisco, Iowa City (despite the fact a former news editor believes Iowa’s corn sucks) and Sioux Falls have been lots of time in Fargo. From Scheels Arena to the SHAC to the Fargodome, it has been a nice time.
But enough is enough; it is time to go.
I am officially asking for a trade from North Dakota State and The Spectrum.
This isn’t a critique of the university. The education I have received has been pretty good. Other than the architecture bit, but that is a separate story.
No, it comes down to the interesting work conditions at The Spectrum. Between the super long meetings and the early mornings on Sundays trying to fix all the stories that have gone wrong, it has taken too much effort. I do pride myself on being a fan of European sports, but getting up before the early Premier League kickoff says a lot about my dedication to this paper.
I have spent three years working my tail off, writing two articles each issue for over two years, but thankfully this year I had a solid staff around me to take some load off. But add to that writing for other sections and developing a weekly radio show, it has been a long time here.
I mean, after three years, you would think you would get some good responsibility. That is not the case for The Spectrum. After all of that work, my 300thh article was me lugging a teddy bear around campus. Come on, really? This is what they are having me do?
Trying to work in The Spectrum office is really difficult. Some very loud people mean it takes a lot more effort to get anything done. Earbuds are necessary to try to keep out some people, but I won’t name names here (looking at your news editors).
And over the last three years, I have seen the values of this paper been put through the shredder. We have spoken to white supremacists, joked about business deals that have seen a popular bar and grill threaten lawsuits and now have a former opinion editor in the editor-in-chief chair who had to change his name to distance himself from his opinions.
Add to that the fact that each year, they publish a “special edition” called The Rectum. How childish is that? They even had the student body president without a shirt on the cover a couple years ago. That is something that would happen at Yeehaw University.
Apparently, they are planning to use a cat in order to promote the reading of that issue. Can somebody call PETA? PETA never does anything bad to animals or to those who try to protect them.
That is just the outward appearance that the paper gives off. Inside, there is untold friction. In fact, there is so much that I can’t go into detail here, but let’s just say there is enough friction to start a campfire in Bikini Bottom and sing a song around it.
Add to that a lack of support in terms of budget from the university. Our sports staff was left sitting in Fargo, chopping at the bit, while the basketball team competed in Dayton and Columbia for the NCAA Tournament, because we didn’t have the funds to travel. It is pretty annoying from my position.
But now isn’t the time to look back, rather a time to look forward.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in North Dakota, but staying close to home is a big thing for me. The Dakota Student at the University of North Dakota would be my first choice. Other options would include The Minnesota Daily and The Collegian.
I feel like it would be inappropriate to talk about what my value would be in the trade market. I am not Anthony Davis. But I do feel that a deal could be made.
To those who are looking for a hard-working sports editor, I am your guy. I look forward to working with you and starting a new chapter in my journalism career.
For continuing editorial trade coverage, stay tune to The Rectum, out April 1.