Hillary Clinton is a politician through and through, and my candidate.
I might be in the minority here, but Hil-Dawg all the way.
Look I get it; you are all millennials filled with angst. That is a given. Bernie was your guy and in a way he was our guy. Please note, I wasn’t always like this.
Where it was easy to vote for a communist who was finally going to bring the mighty regime back to the good old red, white and blue, it might be hard to vote for the mighty Hil-Dawg.
Let us look at the numbers though. Trump.
I am a firm believer in the fact that the presidents don’t actually hold that much power. Enter here the loud gasps of people who have never read the news or listen to NPR.
“Congress voted down” is a reoccurring theme.
Remember Bush promising there was going to be a Waffle House on every block (most don’t)? Yeah, we are adults and we can deal with the fact that presidential candidates will literally say whatever they need to get elected.
So Trump can promise all of the walls he wants but let’s be rational adults here.
It isn’t happening folks. Sure he says racist things, but they just aren’t going to happen. Remember what Obamacare was supposed to be?
Now enter Hil-Dawg.
She is experienced in many different ways. She knows how to rock a suit. She has slept in the White House for crying out loud. Her secret power is an uncanny ability to delete emails at will and make idiots care about a city they can’t even point to on a map. Trump supports, where is Benghazi?
Another amazing skill she possesses is actually winning. She also rocks at not making us look stupid.
Look, she might not be perfect. To be frank she gets an awful report card from millennials like us. With that being said though; do you care about things like Planned Parenthood, stomping out racism within this country, promoting feminism and bettering our education? If you answered yes to any of those, Hil-Dawg is your candidate. Plain and simple.
You aren’t voting for a person; you are voting for a figurehead folks.
Look Bernie guys and gals, put your Kale salad down and take a break from yoga. He isn’t winning this election. Maybe next time there will be another presidential candidate, perhaps a Bernie 2.0. Until then your angst is just misdirected.
To be frank, Harambe might have a better chance.
Is this a bad thing?
Yes, it is. I understand how it feels to be enticed by an amazing future of universal healthcare, free college and free quinoa salads for all.
It wouldn’t have happened either way though. Our president can be Harambe, Hil-Dawg, Trump or Bernie.
Maybe I am pessimistic. Or maybe I am a genius. Either one is really possible.
Sanders would have been great, but nothing he said would have come true. Congress and Trump support still exists. Just because your nominee wins doesn’t mean that they have free reign to do whatever they please.
That would be terrifying. Imagine if Trump became president with that premise. Just imagine his policies on hair and “winning.”
The worst thing that can happen under a president is they make us look stupid. Although Trump might make us look like a bunch of idiots, it really is for only four more years. Bush did it for eight years. It could be worse.
The life of being rational might be boring. I understand how much fun it is to be irrational. I employ it almost ever Timberwolves season and before most exams. Thinking of the greatest possibilities is healthy and fun. Although sitting and worrying about the worst thing Hil-Dawg and the mighty Trumpster could do is just asinine.
It does make election season a little bit more maneuverable though. Don’t allow these candidates to scare you. America will still be around in four years. Support the person that most likely will carry on the tradition of us not looking like goons. Do realize though; walls are expensive, racism is not a national policy and Hil-Dawg for 2016.