Remember all those times where you exit your dorm and closed the door, only to realize that your keys are inside? People would most likely face palm, not really face palm but the feeling is there. Apple has captured the feeling of struggle and is now giving us a new emojis.
People argue we are becoming a lot like the Egyptians. Much like hieroglyphics, we started to use pictures (emojis) to communicate.
Apple will be releasing over 72 new emojis to capture multiple feelings. The company suspects the most used emojis after the release will be: face palm, shrug, drooling face and salad. Yes, salad. Another emoji that will be introduced in this update will be a gorilla. You can now express your devotion to Harambe using only emojis.
Apple will be changing in this new update will be the way the food looks. We are getting more realistic looking fruits and vegetables. Will this help kids eat their vegetables? Probably not, but at least we are getting more of a realistic feel when talking about our food. They will also be adding bacon to their repertoire of food.
Aside from the fun emojis, Apple is adding a bunch of new professions with male and female counterparts. All new emojis relating to people will be added with the option to change skin color. This is currently accessible but Apple continues to stress in new updates.
Something new we will be seeing is multiple changes in appearance across the keyboard. Motor vehicles as well as businesses and flags will change. The only thing Apple is refusing to change, despite negative comments, is the water gun emoji. The change from the original pistol emoji came in early August, following Microsoft’s lead.
At this point, it looks like the new emojis will hit Apple phones sometime late November.