Halloween: More for Children

Carving pumpkins can still be fun for anyone.

Halloween is a fun time of the year. While I definitely wouldn’t consider it my favorite holiday, it’s still an entertaining night.

As people get older, Halloween becomes less and less eventful. It peaks during elementary and middle school, then fades gradually as high school hits and beyond. I remember as a kid I couldn’t wait for school to get out on Halloween. I knew I was going to be able to get a bunch of candy and stay up late (probably like 10 p.m.). I would do it with a group of friends, and we would go around the entire neighborhood. We knew where the “good” houses were, meaning the ones that handed out full-size candy bars.

For college students, Halloween is just a day that you get to dress up in a costume. You also get an excuse to drink more alcohol and party, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Adults probably see Halloween as just another night. If anything, they don’t like it because they have to take their kids trick-or-treating and/or buy candy to hand out to kids. It’s a holiday entirely meant for kids, so it’s hard to find positives about it when considering adults. If you’re like Greg Heffley’s dad in “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” you’ll stand on your roof with a garbage can full of water, waiting for kids to walk by. When they do, you dump it all over them and yell: “Happy Halloween suckers!” Just an idea, but be careful who you dump the water on. 

I liked Halloween much more as a kid. Now, it’s just a fun holiday to “turn up” on. I prefer other holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July. Honestly, the thing I like about Halloween the most is that it’s in October. Besides Leif Erikson day, it’s the only relevant holiday this month.

Saying all this, go out and have some fun on Halloween night. Dress up and go watch a scary Halloween movie in the dark with your friends. Or don’t do anything. We’ve passed the age of trick-or-treating (it sucks, I know), so it’s time to explore other options for Halloween.

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