It’s time for flowers, showers and a change of scenery

Even if it has been snowing this week, spring is still here!
In today’s world of powerful technology, it is important to get back to nature. Smell the fresh spring air and call someone you have not in a while.
This time of year is a reminder that we survived the epic cold and summer nights await. However, the weather also has a way of forming new emotions. The birds chirping on a spring morning should refresh the idea that even simple moments are worth cherishing.
Anxiety and depression can be crippling. Staying indoors can have a negative impact on your well-being and immune health. I sometimes can physically see the sickness from someone who has not seen the sun in a while.
Winter has a way of isolating us, more so now than ever doing a global pandemic. As the season is changing I encourage everyone to get outside and even just sit on the ground and take it in. The smell, view, whatever it is: enjoy it.
The outdoors is a place of safety and reassurance. It reminds us that when we look out and see the sky setting or the wind blowing, this Earth is our home. Do the world a deed by helping someone at the park or water your grandma’s flowers for her. The outdoor recreation can be enjoyed alone or with others.
Find time today to venture outside and take advantage of the health benefits of the outdoors. There is no wrong way to get outside and so much to be gained by exploring the natural world.
Being outside is important. It is time to reconnect with nature. Your body and mind will thank you for it later.