Creative Halloween costumes are superior

Why be a sexy devil when you can be Barnacle Boy and Mermaid Man?
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because I love dressing up and I love candy (I mean, who doesn’t, right?). However, deciding what to be for Halloween has always been a struggle.
I could always just be something ‘classic’; like a cat or an alien, but over the years I have found that it is more fun to think outside of the box and be creative.
Although creative costumes usually entail a lot more thinking and planning, it is always worth it in the end with the number of compliments and laughs I get from people. I also enjoy the hunt for different parts of my costume. When necessary, a little bit of a ‘Do it Yourself” attitude can make a costume much more personal.
In years to come, when you look back at your Halloween pictures, the fun and creative costumes will be a lot more fun to look at.
When I’m scrolling through Instagram on Sunday morning, I would rather see someone dressed as a carrot than as a devil. The carrot has a lot more shock value, and regardless of sexiness, it is much more entertaining.
The way some people pose for these serious Halloween Instagram photos looks so uncomfortable. Think about it: if you had just been a carrot you could have just stood straight up and down. Some of the costumes you see people wearing on Halloween look super uncomfortable.
The thing is if you want to dress in a revealing manner because it makes you feel good then more power to you. However, I personally would rather be comfortable. I would rather wear a big t-shirt and be a VSCO girl than wear a costume that is going to ride up on me all night.
Utilizing creative ideas for my costumes I have been able to successfully eliminate the need to wear uncomfortable clothes all night. I can grab people’s attention, but in the comfort of my lose attire.
Again, no shade at the people who choose an easy costume or who chose to be the sexy version of something, that is cool too. But I have found that being creative greatly outweighs being mainstream.