There are lots of arts and crafts available if you are stuck inside on Valentines Day.
Things couples can do during the pandemic to safely celebrate Valentine’s Day
It is Feb. 14, 2020, the world is returning to their loved ones, snuggling up close at the theaters and going out for a night on the town to celebrate the holiday of love, Valentine’s Day.
Fast forward a year later, and the phrase “spreading the love” isn’t as heart warming as it once sounded. Valentine’s Day 2021 is going to look a little different than what people are used to.
This year is the first Valentine’s Day in 100 years to be celebrated during a pandemic. All of the fun public festivities or even traveling to see loved one’s might be a challenge while trying to follow CDC guidelines.
So, what can people do to celebrate Valentine’s Day during the pandemic? Here a few ideas to make dating during Valentine’s Day easier according to goodhousekeeping.com:
Decorate with love
The internet is full of fun DIY Valentine Decoration ideas. If you’re stuck inside and just can’t find anything else to do, this might be an activity that lifts your spirits.
Balloons, hearts, candy and all, countryliving.com has 30 ideas for celebrators.
Recreate the first date or create what your first date would have looked like
If you went out to eat or to a coffee shop, print off the menu and try to recreate it in your kitchen. If you went to a rave, well, good luck with that one.
Watch a movie together virtually
If going to the theaters isn’t an option, or you or your partner are stuck in quarantine, Amazon’s Prime Video Watch Party and Netflix’s Teleparty allow you to watch a movie with another at the same time.
Make breakfast in bed
Start the day off right with a nice warm meal in bed. But it doesn’t just have to be breakfast, it can be lunch and dinner too.
Make the meals extra special by putting a valentines day twist to them.
Game night
Find some games that will let you get to know a bit more about your partner. Games like the Intimacy Deck, The Ultimate Game for Lovers, and We’re Not Really Strangers are a few examples.
Dating during a pandemic is tough, especially when Valentine’s Day rolls around. Thinking of creative ways to keep the relationship thriving is one way to make it stronger.