Old Main’s roof will be replaced for a new cooling unit to be installed this summer.
As students prepare to leave North Dakota State for the summer, construction projects will be entering campus.
Compared to summers past, this construction season will “be a little bit quieter,” Mike Ellingson, director of facilities management said.
“We are touching almost all of the different areas of campus,” he added.
Parking lots are a part of this summer’s schedule, Ellingson said.
The south half of the R Lot, located north of Reed Hall is being redone. The WE Lot next to the Wellness Center is also being worked on. Parking lots will also be added near the Sanford Health Athletic Complex.
The Aquatic Center addition to the Wellness Center is set to be done by Aug. 1, Ellingson said.
He added students will be able to use the Aquatic Center in the fall semester.
The SHAC is slated for an “October-ish opening,” Ellingson said, with an expected opening date of Oct. 1.
Churchill Hall will be beginning the first of its two-phase project, where workers will be doing a lot of work to the exterior of Churchill over the summer.
The second phase will begin “once Christmastime comes,” where contractors will begin to renovate the inside,” Ellingson said.
Minor Projects
Tuck pointing, changing the mortar between the bricks of a building, is being done on Ceres Hall and the Music Education Building.
“If you do a little bit of touchup as you see things happen every five to 10 years, you can probably get by 60 to 70 years, maybe even 80,” Ellingson said. “If you don’t do that little bit of maintenance, then you’re gonna be doing this every 30 to 40 years.”
Old Main will be getting a new roof with a cooling unit associated it.
An air system will be installed in the E. Morrow Lebedeff Hall, where there is currently one air system in the entire building.
Ellingson said the plan for EML is to install another air system on the third floor.
The Residence Dining Center will be expanding after the school year, and will continue into the fall semester. The RDC will stay open during the school year, and construction workers will cut the expansion over to the main part at some time.
Reed Hall will see the second phase of its bathroom renovation project. The hall had the west-side stack of bathrooms gutted and remodeled to go from community style bathrooms to private style, and this year the east-side stack of bathrooms will undergo the same process.
The Music Education building will undergo lighting, small cooling and electrical construction, with the main focus being on lighting.
If bids are well received, a water sewer project will be done to start at Old Main and end at the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering buildings.
For that project, one of the two Memorial Union parking lot entrances would be closed, as well as the street by the Main Library. This project has been sent in to board approval, but it has not gone for bids yet.
“It’s slated but it’s iffy,” Ellingson said.