“Good morning. I don’t know what terrible things you have done in your life up to this point but clearly your karma is out of balance to get assigned to my class. I’m professor Annalise Keating, and this is criminal law 100. Or as I prefer to call it … ‘How to get away with murder.’’’
This is the phrase that started it all. Quite an unusual class, I might add. Annalise Keating, one of the most challenging professors, and lawyers, ever known selects five of her students to help her with her law firm. They were in for a wild ride full of hard cases, long hours, drama and the occasional murder.
In my opinion:
This show is more than great, it’s amazing.
“How to Get Away with Murder” is a fantastic show with such an intense plot it will leave you guessing. The show messes with time-jumping, which sounds awful, but it is executed in a way that only adds to the rich plot and development of the characters and story. How else would you add so much backstory to a specific scene without simply having the actor give the audience information?
Each character comes from all walks of life and in extreme situations, react differently. And trust me, there are a lot of those in this show. “How to Get Away with Murder” does a great job of adding just the right amount of information to give the audience all the information without ruining the mystery.
Annalise Keating (played by Viola Davis) is the main focus of the show. In each episode, we learn more and more about Keating and why she is who she is. We also learn a lot about her history, which explains why she does specific things that might seem totally crazy.
Her involvement in so many scenarios only lead to more lies and secrets and eventually, we see an explosion. Those scenarios are the best in the show because it affects everyone differently, yet somehow, at the end, everything comes together.
In my opinion, this is by far one of the best shows not only on Netflix but on TV because the plot is captivating and evolves so much in each season. The amount of drama and secrets is just right to keep the audience engaged and guessing.
I recommend this show to everyone. So what if they don’t portray an actual lawyer the right way? The great acting and emotions that the characters give in the show is enough to keep you watching.