On November 21, renowned singer, Trisha Paytas, announced through a series of Instagram photos captioned “Thankful” that she and her husband, Israeli artist Moses Hacmon, “Trisha Paytas Reveals Another Surprise On the Way”
Category: Arts & Entertainment
Student Health Services
How to maintain health and wellness on campus As most of you may know, being on campus can be a cesspool of illness. Being crammed “Student Health Services”
Coffee Review Series: Scooter’s Coffee
Hello, Bison! It has been a minute since I did a coffee review, so here we go! Today, I chose a coffee shop that is “Coffee Review Series: Scooter’s Coffee”
Concert Review: Journey
As a musician at heart, live music will always be a win — whether I know the artist or not. With most of the concerts “Concert Review: Journey”
Album Review: “Coming Home” by Usher
Very few artists have had the kind of monumental success that Usher has. With a dream run of super-successful albums, particularly from 1997 with “My “Album Review: “Coming Home” by Usher”
Praise of Pandas
These large, lovable bears have a national holiday all to themselves Author’s Note: Research is credited to the National Day Calendar and World Wildlife. This “Praise of Pandas”
Women Writers for Women’s Month
March! The beginning of spring, home of St. Patrick’s Day and Pi Day, and (most importantly for this article) International Women’s Month. Though International Women’s “Women Writers for Women’s Month”
Movie Mania
Films to keep an eye out for As the year goes on, so does the list of new movies that are expected to be released. “Movie Mania”