At some point in your college career, most of you will be presented with a new thing you are unsure of what to do with: “Cooking is Not a Waste of Time”
Category: Opinion
Tackles a wide assortment of issues ranging from NDSU’s campus to international
Stealing to Make It Worth Our Money
It was your average day. I would say it was maybe a Tuesday. I was at West Dining Center grubbing on some pizza. I was “Stealing to Make It Worth Our Money”
4 Rules to Keep in Mind for Eating in College
Through the last year of my collegiate career, I have learned to evade starvation by budgeting money for food. But not just any food, I want “4 Rules to Keep in Mind for Eating in College”
Student Government Inspired By Star Wars
North Dakota State student government recently made shocking changes to its own constitution and is taking on a new role in the lives of students. “Student Government Inspired By Star Wars”
Flint’s Drinking Water and Our Decaying Infrastructure
One-in-five of Los Angeles water pipes was installed before 1931. The Flint water crisis is something of an enigma. The fact of the matter is that Flint, “Flint’s Drinking Water and Our Decaying Infrastructure”
Saving Grace
Previously on Saving Grace: When Connor jumps onto the ledge of a bridge, Grace realizes that the day she fell was never a dream. “I…” “Saving Grace”
Problems in Glorifying Busyness
“So, after I get done with my first job at 7 a.m., I have a study group and then four classes and then my second job starts “Problems in Glorifying Busyness”
Raising the Minimum Wage isn’t Sole Solution
We all ask the same question at some point in our lives: why doesn’t the government print off a bunch of money and distribute it “Raising the Minimum Wage isn’t Sole Solution”