Ah, the perennial question: what’s good on Netflix? The popular streaming service offers options in TV, movies and a variety of genres, making it the “Coming to a Netflix Near You”
Author: Paige Johnson
The Devil Wears Stage Makeup
On Jan. 26, Broadway producer Kevin McCollum announced the 2006 movie, “The Devil Wears Prada,” will be adapted into a musical. Pop legend Elton John “The Devil Wears Stage Makeup”
And the Nominees Are …
On Jan. 24, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released their nominations for the 2017 Oscar Awards. Of the nominations, there were a “And the Nominees Are …”
Editor’s Choice: Modern Spin on a Classic Tale
We all start the semester with the best intentions to get ahead of our homework, get enough sleep and try our best to understand the “Editor’s Choice: Modern Spin on a Classic Tale”
RIP Vine, You Will Be Missed
We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of an icon: Vine. Vine, an app that allowed users to create six-second videos, debuted onto the “RIP Vine, You Will Be Missed”
‘Northern Narratives’ in the Heart of Winter
This winter, local writers have the opportunity to submit their work for recognition to the Fargo Public Library’s “Northern Narratives” and Itasca State Community College’s “‘Northern Narratives’ in the Heart of Winter”
Spring Semester is Here
The 2017 spring semester is here. Unfortunately, that puts a halt to binge-watching Netflix series, drinking “cool-aid” with relatives and indulging in unholy amounts of “Spring Semester is Here”
Variety Through the View of a Lens
From Dec. 15 to Jan. 26, 14 North Dakota State photography students are exhibiting their work in the current Memorial Union Gallery show, Post Capture. Post “Variety Through the View of a Lens”