Some helpful tips on starting college Starting college can seem like a scary time in your life. Even if you’re transferring from another college, starting “Advice for incoming students”
Author: Meghan Arbegast
A student guide for renting
How to be aware of the responsibilities that come with renting After freshmen year, many students choose to move into an apartment. While choosing to “A student guide for renting”
Summer orientation set to remain in a virtual format this year
New techniques will be utilized to keep incoming students connected through Zoom With the pandemic causing a lot of events to go virtual, summer orientation “Summer orientation set to remain in a virtual format this year”
Former Student Body President and Vice President reflect on their accomplishments
A look at what Matthew Friedmann and Kylee Arndt were able to complete this school year As the school year is wrapping up, Matthew Friedmann “Former Student Body President and Vice President reflect on their accomplishments”
Covid-19 vaccine information booth answered pressing questions
The booth provided information on Covid-19 vaccines and busted some common myths A vaccine information pop-up booth was set up in the Memorial Union on “Covid-19 vaccine information booth answered pressing questions”
New Covid-19 cases found mostly in five states
Some states are seeing a surge in Covid-19 cases Covid-19 cases in the U.S. have steadily increased over the past week as USA Today reports “New Covid-19 cases found mostly in five states”
Student body election results are in
The results of the student body election have been released declaring Carl Ludewig and Laura Friedmann as the new student body president and vice president. “Student body election results are in”
Dietetics students prepare to serve their meals at the 800 Café
The students each have the chance to be manager of the café Every year the 800 Café opens to the public from mid-February to April “Dietetics students prepare to serve their meals at the 800 Café”